
Where are the Hotel & Restaurant Recommendations?

This site is all about cutting through the airbrushed travel advice and giving you a candid peek at the world—so you can decide where to go. Here, you’ll get the lowdown on the destination, minus the hotel and restaurant recommendations. There’s plenty of other places online for that.

Besides, who needs a meticulously planned food itinerary when the real gems are right around the corner? Leave a little room for the unexpected, it’ll be far more memorable.

Let's be real, new spots open and close all the time. It’s a real investment to keep that stuff current. With that in mind, here’s some pointers:

  1. There are plenty of sites that'll give you solid hotel and restaurant reviews for the far corners of the world, where Yelp just doesn’t cut it. TripAdvisor is the main go-to. Or New York Times 36 Hours series for more…curated recommendations.

  2. The internet is great for a lot of things, but it's has the Instagram effect—limited attention spans pushing everyone to the top-10, and the crowding that happens because of that. It’s not very accurate, nor is it fair. There’s more than just 5 or 10 excellent ramen places in all of Tokyo, for example.

  3. Instead of going out of your way to eat somewhere, it's more important to just live in the moment, and find a good spot nearby.