Travel vs. Vacation


Look, everybody needs a vacation. Take a break, unwind, maybe live a little. You might literally travel a certain distance to get somewhere else to take that vacation, but that’s not Travel. Same as driving a couple hours to the beach. Most people have never really traveled in their life. They’ve only taken vacations, and that’s fine. It’s not for everyone. This site is for the Travelers, who want more than just a vacation. They want to explore, to learn, and yes, maybe relax a little too.

  • How to know if you’re really just on a vacation:

    • Your day is spent doing the same things you could be doing at your local beach, if the weather was nicer.

    • You’ve barely left the resort. It could be anywhere warm, it wouldn’t matter.

  • On the other hand, travel continues in the grand tradition of the explorers and adventurers of old, out to explore the world, and learn more about it. Now, most of the world has already been explored—but not by you! So consider it your own personal journey of exploration. Adventure awaits.

What about both?

Ok, so most trips to distant lands realistically aren’t purely one or the other. Most vacations have a tiny little bit of learning and exploring new surroundings, on the way to dinner or back to the hotel. And most travel adventures, one would hope, include a little rest and relaxation.

who's perspective is this?

English speaker. Flight quotes are based from the USA, East Coast. Reasonably interested in other cultures and history. Moderate expectations of comfort while traveling. Someone who’s idea of reasonable accommodations can range from $30 to $300/night depending on the location given the wild swings in purchasing power across the globe.

Photos by YC


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